Saturday 26 March 2011

Managing performance

According to ACAS (2006) Appraisals regularly record an assessment of an employee’s performance, potential and development needs. The appraisal is an opportunity to take an overall view of work content, loads and volume, to look back on what has been achieved during the reporting period and agree objectives for the next.

At work appraisals are normal done every 6months they are usually conducted by the manager or a member of higher authority that members of staff don't know.

When an employee is thinks about the appraisals they tend to get nevus because their targets will be discussed  even though in appraisals employees have the opportunity to talk and express their opinions.

Fletcher and williams (1985) says that assessment of people is not the only thing we asses when a persons is at work.

When the employer organizes an appraisal they tend to see if the employees are meeting targets and they also get to see a whole image of the organisation and how its doing internally.

When taking part in an appraisal it is very effective due to the fact both employees and employer can both express their feelings about the organisation the way they both feel and if targets are being meet. at this article this skills that are required to be a effective mentor are someone who is willing to work with you to help with challenges and dilemmas that are being faced a quote from the article is "  Members of Wright’s local group meet once a month to help each other work on the challenges and dilemmas they are facing in their professional lives."
A effective mentor helps with issues and goals a quote to support this in the article is " Her work with these mentors has helped her with a range of issues including achieving specific goals, such as improving her network of contacts."
Using a mentor can offer many benefits to entrepreneurs, according to Bob Garvey, professor of mentoring and coaching at Sheffield Hallam University.
A good mentor can also help by transferring new skills and knowledge, creating better networking opportunities a quote to support this from the article is " A recent programme Garvey set up to see if mentors could help with a specific goal, ended up demonstrating much wider benefits for the entrepreneurs involved. These benefits included transferring new skills and knowledge, creating better networking opportunities as well as helping them improve their product and in some cases even going into business with their mentor. "
Mentor to me ?
I have always had a strong connection with my mother after reading the article above she covers most of the quality's of what the article describe a mentor should be like.
She helps me reach my goals and supports me in ways i would never imagen.
Clutterbuck (2004) says everyone needs a mentor, this is true to an extent as a mentor is meant for guidance to people and some people may argue that they done need any guidance from anyone.

As a mentor she has influenced and she has affected my life in a positive way internally and externally and example is giving me speeches making me feel good on the inside and helping me with my work when i was in secondary school and helping me look for a job making me feel good externally creating a positive effect on me.

Shes level headed, gives me praise and recognition and she very understanding these are quality's that I believe are very important if she is to be a good mentor all theses quality's she me everyday why having her as a mentor brings a positive affect on me, i need someone who is a good listener for times when i don't understand something, i need a level headed person at all time so i feel comfortable expressing my true feelings and i also need someone who gives me positive praise and recognition to keep me going and gives me that extra push to do what i want to do.

Learning about Performance,appraisals and mentors was very interesting especially learning about the characteristics of a mentor, reflecting on my past studies a mentors characteristics are smiler to those of a leader and line manager showing that theses role require a lot of people skills and sometimes requires more then a professional relationship.