Sunday 13 February 2011

Equal opportunities and diversity

Definitions & Difference

Equal Opportunities
       Removing discrimination
      seen as an issue for disadvantaged groups
      seen as an HR issue
   relies on positive action
                                                           ( Kandola and Fullerton, 1998)


Differences can be strengths for the organisation as a whole.
Focus on maximising individual employee potential
Seen as relevant to all employees
An issue that involves all managers
Does not rely on positive action
                                                ( Kandola and Fullerton, 1998)

In a employeers perspective when the age legislation came into force in 2006 some impacts this may have had would be things such as :

Not aloud to not employee someone because of that persons age unless under the age the law says its OK to work.

Employee benefits such as life cover, income protection and private medical insurance less sustainable in the future.

Employers cannot enforce mandatory retirement ages.

Stereotypical views on the older generation ?

Within the work force their would be many different types of stereotypical views , people believe as you do get older the more unable you are to work but due to the age legislation in 2006 it controdics this because emplpyeers have no right to make this asumption or act on it.

Because times keep moving people offten ask the question " because he/she is old would they be able to move with the times of technology and change "

Also in the media they tend to pertray old people in a certain way for example all the adverts on TV promoting life cover for over 50 is that showing us at 50 we should be getting ready for death ?
The link i have posted above is on life cover but the person who made the life cover for his family is dead so does that show us that old people are no use to us working or soon to die ?
The media shows alot of different things about old people influencing peoples minds and employeers perseptions.

Stereotypical views of young people ?

Within an organisation their could be many views employers could make on highiering young people such as :

Because of their age, immaturity, and inexperience, young people could be at greater risk in the workplace.

Employers must ensure that they assess the risks to young persons and make sure they put in place controls to reduce the risks.

many employers and people have stereotypical views on young people in the work place such as will they be able to do the job right and also because of age how much training will be needed, but just because of their age does not mean they will be more incompitent do train and do as much work as an older person , does it ?
in my opinion i think not.

On the other hand sad adverts on the TV the media showing us 4 or 5 year olds doing hard labour in the countries this shows age does not come into it young people can sure do what people older may do even though the advert is showing child abuse for the benifit of this blogg it could show the hard work theses children do.

Maybe it all depends on who the person is qualities and trates they may have rather then age.

Can organisations help to change this view ?

Highering different aged people could help the views socioty has created for theses age groups not just aged but different types of people would also help the situation once people start entering different work forceses and see different types of people working, peoples minds will become more relaxed and used to the fact that organisations have changed, change happeneds slowly especially in organisation and socioty so its best to start early so the change can  have a high impact.

An example of an organisation that helps this is TESCO they have a record high level of over 50 years old employees working for them in all different departments.

The link above shows and explains what TESCO is doing for people over the age of 50.

Equal opportunities regarding B&Q

B&Q are the leading home improvement and garden centre retailer in Europe and the third largest in the world, with more than 60 stores opened internationally.

B&Q focus on many aspects of equal opportunities within the organisation but they are most proud of is
In 2006, B&Q was one of only two retailers to make the Top 50 Places Where Women Want To Work, and has continued this achievement for the fourth consecutive year.

They have also earned a reputation for employing older workers, because they want to let their customers tap into their lifetime of knowledge and experience.
 Recognised by work-life balance charity Working Families as one of the top 20 organisations whose initiative and example has made positive change happen for working families.

B&Q’s success is down to the many employees and customers that work and shop with them.
The company strongly believes that a diverse workforce creates a mix of talents that makes the company such a success. More than 1,200 B&Q staff speak over 60 different languages, with many being multilingual.
From products and working practices to store layouts and training, B&Q continue to promote equality of opportunity in everything they do, so there are no barriers for anybody who wants to be part of the B&Q team.


In conclution my finding show me a very clear outline of how organisations work and what they think of legisation they may nopt always agree but they do have to obide by them and find away to make it work within their company.
Durring this blogg i have done alot of research that involves me watching videos and going onto different websites finding out about company policys on dicrimination and equal opportunities and i realized one thing its all well putting something down in writing but how do we know or the government know its being obided by ? it would be very difficault to tell.

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