Monday 28 February 2011


Selection is used in different types of situation but one of the common selection process is selection whilst looking for the best candidate for a job.

In this situation the ultimate goal for selection is to find the best person for the job.
Their are different types of selection process example of some are :
Short listing from information on CV’s and application forms
Assessment centres
Work Simulations – realistic job preview
Telephone Screening
      Role play - demonstration

The first common selection process i have been though is being part of a short list from information from a CV, at this time this selection process was used just to short list the people, from the people who suite the role and the people who don't this process also gives a small insight on the candidates qualifications.
The advantage of this is you remove all the people that you don't believe is right for the job this is resulting in major time saving. on the other hand a disadvantage is you as the interviewee don't really know the people and they may not be good on paper but they may be good in the customer service section and this type of selection is resulting in the interviewee not giving them an opportunity.

The next selection process i have been though is another common selection process and this is an Interview selection process.
This type of selection gives the person being interviewed a better opportunity to express their self and show the person interviewing their qualities and how they would be an asset to the organisation, questions will be asked to see asses the mind, ability and personality of the person being interviewed.
First impressions are everything, on that note one of the disadvantages is that the interviewee may be bias leading to the interview being very uneasy, short and a waste of time another disadvantage would be the interviewee may give a artificial situation this does not allow the person to express their work potential.
On the other hand a advantage of this process is the person being interviewed can put across their personality and work mind giving them a advantage to get the vacancy.

Another selection process i have taken part in is a test, this process is very nerve recking it requires allot preparation, not all organisations take part in this type of selection process it is not that common for many reasons, one of its disadvantages would be that some people may not be able top express everything they know uno paper and applying for a job is hard enough without having a test this process makes it all that much harder, a plus side to a test is you get an opportunity to write down as much as you can think of rather then saying it and your mind goes blank.

I have been to many different types of interviews some i have been successful and some i haven't been and example of one that i was successful and i found it effective was an interview for an office assistant.
I went to this interview nervous as ever once i got into the swing of things i started letting my fantastic personality shine i realised that the reason that i started relaxing was because the interviewer was very positive, simple questions about your well being can make you more relaxed and in this situation it did.
As the interview went on i felt right at home in the office and i also wasn't afraid to ask questions from the interviewer.
I believe this interview was effective just because of the fact it didn't have a obvious structure to me it felt more like a chat and gave me a chance to express myself , the main reason i felt like it was really affective is because 2 days later i received a phone call saying i got the job whilst on the interview the interviewer made it clear everyone would get a call regardless of if they got the job or not so i think that's very good and makes the interviewee more relaxed because they know they will be getting feedback and this also helps future days when the person attends another interview.

Recently i have just been to an interview whew i believe the whole selection process was terrible, someone was late so every candidate after was early leaving congestion on the shop floor they had no good waiting area this was very embarrassing for us the candidates as we all look so smart but managed to make the shop look untidy.
eventually when i entered the interview room i was relived but i felt a sense of discrimination this i cant prove because i only had a feeling.
As the interview proceeds i started feeling uneasy i had 2 people interviewing me with two different personalities so i ended up very confused they were also asking questions at the same time when the interview finally ended i was very happy that the process was over they told me they would get back to me even if i didn't get the job since the day of this interview i haven't herd anything back this makes me feel like my interview wasn't really been taken into account or they just lied to me about contacting me, all in all i just think it was a big waste of time  it was unorganised and uncomfortable for the person being interviewed.
They have alot of improvements that need to made but the main one would be that they find a good structure and they care about the person being interviewed as they were a employee already, its important for the interviewer to give good impression because they are reflecting on the business.


In this blogg i have reflected more on myself and personal experience with the selection process, reflecting on past experiences and presents.
I have learned that businesses need to find the best was to do a selection process so they can find the best candidates for the job they also need to make sure they give all types of people a chance and not to discriminate the one thing organisations need to remember is that they are reflecting their organisations and the interviewee could be a customer one day and past experiences have impacts on people.
So when it come to the selection process as well as watching the candidates behaviour they also need to watch their own.


  1. I shouldn't really be doing this but...!
    Make sure you read what you have to do, you have focussed on one element of the tasks set and need to answer all in detail.

  2. Thank you for the comment jane i have expanded and added more details on the "selection" blogg.
