Wednesday 4 May 2011

Communication and involvment

Employee relations refers to ‘an assortment of employer initiatives for improving workplace communications, for engaging employees either directly or indirectly in decision making and for securing employee compliance with management rules through disciplinary action’ (Bratton & Gold, 2007)

Employee partisi
pation is when employees have some say in decisions that have effects on their present/future employment status of their employers status this is supported by legislation if you look at the department for business, Enterprise and regulatory reform the legislation will be more detailed this legislation also protects employees interest when it comes to resistance from managers.

Employee involvement is more of a relaxed approach this when the organisation takes it into their own hands to involve the employees most organisations use methods such as social networking sites to involve their employees social networking sites such as facebook are being used many organisations have their own pages and add the employees to the page giving the business more awareness to the public.

Organisation could always do with involving their employees in decision making 3 different ways could be :
Way one : The supervisor could make decisions and invite suggestions from the staff this could encourage the staff to speak up and give good suggestions and feed back.
Way Two :Improvement meetings this will give a change for not just involvement but a discussion with more then just one staff member encouraging the staff to s;[peak up and feel important as they are participating.
Way Three :Giving the employee a problem with a reward if the problem is solved this task could also be done in a group and a reward for the group if the task is completed giving the employees the skill of team effectiveness,problem solving and communication.

By involving employees with decision the commitment level will rise employees like to feel well valued within the business and safe, giving them the "AT HOME " feeling will increase the trust within the business.

Social networking to involve staff.
One major social networking site is Facebook, many businesses are using facebook to be in more contact with their employees by adding them on facebook they can keep in contact with their staff they can include themselves as a business within the staff personal life and while doing so they can also gain the opportunity to attract others.

As you can see from the picture above that is someones facebook home page as you can see it has a friends list at the side this would be easy for others to see if a business adds the employee as a friend as their is an advert for this particular persons work place as you can see he works in a university. comments could also be made, email can be received and sent and comments can be written all theses features can help communication with the employees much more easy.
Hyman and Mason, 1995 say employee involvement is people have an impact on decisions and actions that affect their jobs.

ConclusionSome may say employee involvement is important to the business because it keeps staff motivated and involved with the business giving them reason to stay and other may argue that employee involvement is not that important that decisions are made by the people who know best i mean that's what they have been highierd for either way from writing the blogg i think it is clear that employee involvement can always benefit a organisation  in many ways so if an employee has a suggestion it should always at least be taken into account.

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