Wednesday 4 May 2011


Recruitment is a process people usually go though in order to become potential staff of a business.

The aims of recruitment are

To obtain a pool of suitable candidates for vacant posts
To use and to be seen to use a fair process
To ensure that all recruitment activities contribute to company goals and a desirable company image
To conduct recruitment activities in an efficient and cost-effective manner

When people want to go though this process they tend to be looking for a job they could hand out cv's to local businesses, they could call up local businesses to see if they have vacancies, local news papers have adverts but according to CIPD, 2009 electronic methods are the most popular by 80% one popular website used is "".

As you can see from the website shown above its very colourful and attractive it attracts people by catching their eye also it applies to everyone who lives in any area in the united kingdom this is a plus point because more people will visit the site and use its services.

As you can see by using one of the most popular search engine (google) you can see how easy it is to access this website by typing in the letters "FIS" the search engine as already brought the site up as the first website on the list.

By making this recruitment site easy to access and attractive people would be more likely to visit and use the site on more then one occasion.

A lot of recruitment campaign are going around now a days but the main one that caught my eye was the "start thinking solider, British arm campaign"

Above i have copied and pasted the link to watch the campaign advert its very interesting and inspiring for many people, it draws you in and makes you think about life it self what sort of person do you want to be or what difference do you want to make, it shows that no matter how little or irrelevant you think you are every solider is needed and in all different departments so no matter who you are a match can be made.

Some set back could happen though online requirement for example :
when doing requirement online it technology may be unreliable an example of this is applying for a job that's ready been filled but not knowing because its still on the requirement site, not everyone may have access to the Internet also in someways but doing recruitment online its as if you have a target audience already " anyone who has access to a computer and use one" this will lead into not all applicants having a fair opportunity, computers always have their own specifications and guidelines making it hard to express the type of job your looking for also local businesses may not want to advertise on a recruitment site and if its local your looking for this would be a disadvantage.

But on the other hand recruitment online has advantages such as its easy to access from search engines or just using the website, you get a wide variety of jobs from all different areas, the layout would be clear and easy to understand, you are the master of your own job search so if you have a specific job role your looking for you can look for it and also you get extra help such as uploading your CV so employers can look for you as well as you looking for them if you subscribe to the site you can get emails of jobs that suite your needs and what you want.

The image above is taken from the recruitment website
This shows you can get jobs sent by email and upload your CV onto the site.

Their are different ways to find jobs and their are positive and negative aspects of doing so but this just shows everyone is different and each method will be well matched to some then others.
the recruitment process is one which most people have to go though when looking for jobs but difficulties may arise such as:

Lack of required technical skills                           
Wanted more pay than could be offered
Insufficient experience                                          
No applicants                                                          
Image of sector/occupation                                   
Poor interpersonal skills                                        
Applicant unable to accept due to high
living cost in area                                                    

So when recruiting alot of things need to be taken into consideration as you can see.

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