Wednesday 8 December 2010



Their has always been debates on how to define what personality means, its argued that personality may be inherited this is called “Nature” an example of this is being born with your personality and traits and on the other hand it is said to have been developed in response to the environmental conditions this is called “nurture” and example of this is a area were your living could build your personality.

Also their are other approaches such as
nomothetic and idiographic.

Statistical study of groups
Objective questionnaires
Personality types
Link to heredity, biology, genetics
Traits/Trait clusters
                                                                                            Reference: Cattell, Eysenck

Adaptable, open to change
Influence of social and cultural processes
Interaction with environment
                                                                                                           Reference: Jung, Rogers, Kelly, Skinner

A time when this debate is taken in to consideration is during the requirement process for a job, their are two candidates for a job role, does the personality of either of them candidates come into the final decision process? What if one has more intellect and knowledge on the job position on the other hand the other candidate has a suitable personality for this role such as confidence and understanding, so who gets the job role?
This would be a hard decision to make.

I believe that nature is more dominate then nurture, I feel that personality come in the
Nature because I believe everyone is born with some sort of personality and the environment and society only adds to what was present originally for example a baby deciding to act a certain way if upset or sad that is part of that child's personality, then the child may grow older and develop the idea of acting a certain way when upset or sad.
Also a personality is used to describe an individual also supporting nature would be an example of identical twins, having identical twins will most probably confuse people but as soon as the child is born they have adapted and made their own personality allowing the parents of the child to tell them apart from each other.

I wanted to find out about my own personality, so I did a personality test from the BBC website, website:

I took part in the personality test but the results are audio recorded, but also their was a page i could go on to receive a graph on my results,

My graph shows that my level of Conscientiousness, openness and Agreeableness is very high my level of Extroversion is also very high on the other hand my level of Neuroticism is very low.

The website describes me below ;
This trait is sometimes known as ‘Openness to experience’. People with scores like yours tend to be imaginative and curious about a wide range of things, from appreciating different art forms to exploring new places, cultures and foods.Generating lots of imaginative ideas probably comes very easily to you. However, it's likely that you are prone to daydreaming too.Innovators, investigators and creators often score highly on this trait. It has also been suggested that Openness is related to a person's likelihood to hold unusual beliefs. Do you enjoy the odd conspiracy theory?
My opinion
The above is correct about me, am very imaginative and curious i always have been since i could remember, i love trying new foods and going to different places, i do loose concentration easily and and end up day dreaming.

At work, you probably approach tasks methodically and thoroughly, with everything in its right place.
Some studies have shown the more Conscientious an individual is, the more disciplined they are likely to be about exercise and diet.

My opinion
I scored the max on this section i believe it is very true and extremely hard working and dependable, am also easy to approach and to talk to.
Extroversion is characterised by positive emotions and the tendency to seek out pleasure-stimulating or risk-taking activities. People with scores like yours are often perceived as gregarious, expressive and energetic. You are likely to be someone who enjoys socialising and be quick to form new friendships.
Personality studies have shown that scoring highly on Extroversion often translates to a natural capacity for leadership. High Extroversion may also indicate a tendency to earn more than those with lower scores, but the reasons for this are unclear.
People with high Extroversion are more likely to lead risky lifestyles and take greater risks in pursuit of rewards. Health studies have shown they are more likely to smoke and less likely to get enough sleep than people who score less highly on this trait.

My opinion
i believe am an energetic person i do have fun taking risks, in things i do i do end up being a natural leader and i like making friends this does not always go my way but never the less i do enjoy making friends, as far as this personality test goes it has been correct so far.

Agreeableness measures how sympathetic and considerate a person is likely to be. People with scores like yours are likely to find it very easy to get along with other people. You probably find that you are sensitive to the feelings of others and that people find it easy to warm to you.
As a 'people person' you will probably be very comfortable in situations that require teamwork.

My Opinion
i believe i am a people person, am very trust worthy, people can confined and talk to me about anything big or small, am very sensitive and people do warm towards me.

In the context of the Big Five personality traits, the term 'Neuroticism' relates to a person’s response to threatening or stressful situations. People with scores like yours are often seen as being calm and even-tempered. They cope well with stressful situations and may seem tranquil despite adverse circumstances.
Some scientists have suggested that Neuroticism was beneficial in evolutionary terms. Early man may have found it advantageous to live in a population where certain individuals had a high sensitivity to threats to the group's survival.
There is evidence to suggest that Neuroticism, when combined with high scores in personality traits such as Conscientiousness, can result in a powerful work ethic and a will to succeed.

My Opinion
i have always been quite a calm person, even in the most aggravated situations, i believe the test is accurate. The results i got back from the test i took were more then accurate i think they described my personality very well, as i was reading my results i realised that everything was true if i was to describe my personality for another person i would say things along the lines of the results of this test.

Finding out about personality in general is interesting but finding out about your own personality is even more interesting, i didn't really find out anything new about my self from the personality test that i took but it was very interesting to see my results in writing and analysed, personality covers a wide range of things such as your attitudes, your believes and even your life goals.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Perception and communiaction

Perception And Communication
Perception is when a  person interoperate something into what they think it is, also could be said as
“The process by which individuals organise and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment”
                                                                                                Robbins et al, 2010
By reading the article " how to improve staff communication,
Publication date: 15 July 2010
Source:People Management magazine
And relating it to university i have found 3 recommendations that the university could use in order to improve communications with the students.
The first thing the article mentions is to have a shared purpose Creating a shared sense of purpose is an important starting point for a strategic approach to communication. People need to understand the collective goal they are working towards and to appreciate the difference they can make. The university would need to want the same things as the students in order to communicate better, working together as a society to reach the same goal would be very important giving the students a sense of importance within the university making it much easier to communicate with them.
Another thing the article states is engage your peopleThe CIPD has identified three main drivers of employee engagement: having the opportunity to feed your views upwards; feeling well informed about what is happening in your organisation; and believing your manager is committed to the organisation. Your approach to engagement will therefore inform your approach to communication – and vice versa.

The university needs to make the students well informed so they can give feedback and communicate with the university on many different things going on within the university example would be things that are good, things that are bad or things that need improving this would help the communication between the university and students because it will keep both parties involved. Giving the students a sense of comfort would also help making them feel like they are well informed and the u7niversity is committed in helping them or even just listening to their views this will help communication to the students and university.
The article also states that keeping the personal touch is importantEmployees value face-to-face communication highly. The challenge is to ensure that managers develop the skills and confidence to hold meaningful two-way conversations – even on difficult topics. It’s important to let people know that you value these attributes. Consider them as part of the assessment and development process for team leaders.

Having meetings and events so the students can have an opportunity for some face to face communication time with the university members this type of communication is valued highly by students as everyone will have an opportunity to have their voice herd, its important for the students to feel like they have value and communication face to face is not too good for them expressing opinions and feelings on paper is always different when coming directly from the mouth.
A situation of incorrect perception for me was a time when I first started work and I did not know anyone, the kind of work I do requires people to work in groups, whilst I was the “NEW KID” I found myself making perceptions of people and assuming things about them.

The first shift I did was with a young lady called Joy I perceived her as a rude and arrogant girl, due to the way she dressed and what kind of jewellery she was wearing, this was brought to my mind by the media and TV, the way they show people on TV for example the character Vick Pollard in Little Britain TV Show, the TV show, shows her with earrings and clothing such as the ones Joy was wearing so I perceived her in a negative way.

I made this perception of Joy very early on in the shift and although I assumed this I was incorrect, in fact Joy was the opposite of what I assumed, she was polite and well mannered, and the conversations we had showed she had some intelligence. Making this kind of assumption is quite risky because making the wrong perception of people may trigger people to make assumptions on you leading in negative emotions from both parties, for the future I would not make assumptions again unless I had enough evidence to make one an example of this would be if Joy had said something rude or arrogant.

To avoid this sort of mistake again would not be as easy as it is to say it because when faced with a situation like that you can not help your self but make an instant decision especially when it comes to the way someone looks or what they are dressed in.
So avoiding this situation in the future would be hard, being proven wrong once helps the process of changing and not making perceptions of people.

Perception is what i believe to be mental its hard to not perceive a person or even a place on what it or the person looks like, as soon as you see you will start thinking and make assumptions on what you have seen but the trick is to always wait and see if your perception is right before you start taking actions on what you have seen.
You may not be able to stop making perceptions on people but handling it the right way is always helpful.

Monday 6 December 2010

Enterprize Week

Enterprize week !!

During enterprise week their was many events which were all interesting I attended 4 events out of the events mainly 2 stood out they were, ‘The intrapreneur in our mist’ and the second ‘ woman in business’.

Attending both events were very informative the first event that I attended was ‘The intrapreneur in our mist’ this even was held on the ground floor of Buckinghamshire new university in a lecture theatre.
There was a guest speaker who was a business man himself talking about how he made it to the position he was in now and sustaining his current passion the event lasted for 1hour 30minutes by the end of this event he achieved many things such as giving students the information needed to become a good intrapreneur this being a word he made up and also information needed to become a good entrepreneur and the difference between the two. This event was a evening set for students with good ideas and that wanted knowledge of the world and how to bring a new idea into it with success also whilst learning this it also was their to comfort students showing them it is ok not to succeed straight away.

I also attended ‘Woman in business’ event this was based in a hotel in Marlow, their was 5 parts to this event it started at 9:45-11:00 a lady called Susan Lock of key consultants spoke to us on confidence and assertiveness then from 11:00-12:00 Jane and Katherine Russell spoke to us about dressing for success and looking for the business 12:00-13:00 Claire Batchelor spoke to us on starting a business then at one we was given a 45 minute lunch brake we then resumed back at 13:45-14:35 Carol Rawson the managing director of suite city spoke to us about her self and how she got to the stage she is at also giving us advice on being a business woman, at 14:45 we had a 15minute brake resuming at 15:00-16:00 for a presentation by Sue Liney on how to brand our selves and stand out from the crowd. This day was made for young woman to help in different aspects giving confidence and help on how to become the best business woman each female can be, by the end of the day they achieved many things because there was so much information given to the young females at the events.

During the event their was not really a hands on physical aspect for the students but we did get opportunities to ask questions and meet up with the person who gave the speech he also gave his e-mail address out for people who have good ideas or just wanted general questions answered.
Depending on the type of person attending this event there was a lot of information and advice that could be gained from this even, from my perspective I benefited from this a great deal because I have a business idea I would like to make reality this information and advice given to me such as never giving up if it gets hard because nothing is easy in the world of business and also understanding that not every idea is a great business idea, on the other hand ‘The woman in business’ event that I attended was very different there was more then one guest speaker covering different helpful aspects we would need to know about no activities were given to us so we did not do any physical things but we did get to ask questions like the first event I attended. I  benefited from this event in many ways I learnt many things such as presentation is important and confidence is key to success, benefitting from this event made me learn a lot and made me understand many things about the business world.

The most successful events I attended was the ‘The intrapreneur in our mist’ this was most successful because it was more constructed then the other event I went to it was short and to the point, very informative and interesting, even though  their is always room for improvements I believe that this even did not have much room for improvements as I think it was organised well and easy to locate unlike the other event that could have gone better if the process of reaching the destination of were the event was located was more straightforward as it could have been also they tried to cramp so much information into one day and if they was going to do that they could have involved activities and physical things for the audience to do.
 Conclusion/ Did this week influence my career  aspirations ?
Both days were very good and informative even though I found one more useful then the other and I believe one had more room for improvement then the other I did end up enjoying both events as they were both beneficial to me now and in the future, i have always wanted to become a solicior and the woman in business week has just made me want this career path more then i did,i have lerned so many things and i now understand what i have to, to make it to were i want to be.


Conflict could be described as, the people within a business/organisation that has feelings about certain things happening within the business/organisation and are not able to express their concerns, also the definition could be outlined differently for example;

Conflict is apparent when at least one party perceives that it exists and where an interest or concern of that party is about to be or has been compromised or frustrated.
Brooks (2006)

The reason for conflicts is usually because of the changes that happen in society for example things such as clashes of personality and role conflict also it could be from other changes such as:

changes in labour market
changes in the economy
changes in society
changes in technology
changes in organizations
This is also analysed by Mullins (2010),
author of Management and Organisational Behaviour an example would be giving incentives to one employee on the basis of completing work this will causes competition and conflict between employees.
from my own personal experience working in a sexual heath surgery having conflicts were rear unless someone had a suggestion to the  manager so their were always fears dwelling on the employees also if the employees does manage to give the manager a suggestion it would always be by passed causing conflicts between the manager and employee.

Sources of power

Coercive power
This focuses on the ability to get tasks done by creating a superior image for the role of the manager or the person who gives orders this is mostly seen when their is threats on jobs within organisations because employees would not like to loose the poison they are currently in.

Reward power
This would be mainly used on employees to benefit from mostly because at this time the business is offering reward power and employees would be urged to do harder work.

 Expert power
a single person in a organisation/business has depending on the amount of expertise and knowledge they have, an example of this is an employee that could be group manager because of his/her knowledge and expertise in that department.
Legitimate power
this focuses on how the person reached the current poison they are in now and the means of their power an example of this is would be a manager would give orders to everyone whilst on the other hand the supervisors can only give orders to employees.

Referent power
this focuses on the motivators on people who are classed as managers and leaders in an organisation this person usually is taken as to deserve to have power.

- French and Raven (1959)

Even though French and raven (1959) suggest some sources of power,
Morgan (1996) suggest further sources such as, Control of budgets,  Control of rewards, Persuasion, Rules and procedures, Physical presence or threat and Charisma.

Resolving conflict – Conclusion
 To resolve or even prevent conflict a number of things can be done and put into action to prevent further conflict within the organisation.

One of the main things that should be done is to have good communication skills within the organisation going both ways not just via the manager’s poison, ensure all role of each person are made clears so their are no miss understandings this would also make it very easy to set goals and objectives creating a good work force and employees can grown and move together.
conflict can be formed in many ways mainly disagreements and misunderstandings, measures should be taken such as respecting employees opinions in the organisation big or small, appraisals should be considered, on the other hand rules are meant to be followed and are their to keep people in place and help to reduce conflict so people braking rules should be spoken to, so it is clear on what the company is expecting from each individual.

Rounding up, conflict can arise anywhere mostly in organisations their needs to be good communication skills to prevent situations arising because conflict within an organisation can cause a lot of damage to the business.  


Deference between management and leadership :

               Managers : Plan, control, co-ordinate, implement policy, achieve results
Leaders: Motivate, generate ideas, enthuse and inspire
(Forrest and Tolltree, 1996)

People always get confused about what managers and leaders do, in some ways you could say people would rather to have one other than the other depending what situation they are in for example if you are a student you may want to can some qualities of a leader and manager in one other than if you was an employee you may want a manager and if you wanted to vote for a person to run your country you may want a leader.

As you can see from (Forrest and Tolltree, 1996), managers would be best in situation such as in the work place because they would have a good plan and organisation structures for your day at work and also they will be looking to achieve results and whilst working this would be very good whilst on the other hand a leader motivates you and inspires you and that’s the kind of person you need when voting for someone to run your country.

Blake and Mouton Graph Below

Impoverished Management (1, 1):
Managers that come in this section of the grid are low on the dimensions and they don’t try very hard to make sure the employees put effort to get the work done. The manager does not really have any care for employee satisfaction or the work deadlines.
This type of manager de-motivates its employees for performing their best whilst at work.

Authoritative manager(9, 1):
 Known as dictatorial or perish style, In this section the managers  are more concerned about production and have less concern for people. The employee’s needs are not taken care of and their existence seems not to be cared about. The manager believes that a good organization can only be made by through proper organization of work systems and through elimination of people wherever possible.
 The employee’s needs are not taken care of and their existence seems not to be cared about. The manager believes that a good organization can only be made by through proper organization of work systems and through elimination of people wherever possible. The team manager (9,9):considered by high people, The leader feels that empowerment, commitment, trust, and respect are the key elements in creating a team atmosphere which will automatically result in high employee satisfaction and production.

Middle-of-the-Road (5, 5): This is a compromising style wherein the Manager tries to maintain a balance between goals of company and the needs of people. The manager does not push the level of achievement resulting in average performance for organization end up with employee needs to being fully met

Social manager (1, 9):
 This is a collegial style characterized by low task and high people orientation where the manager gives thoughtful attention to the needs of people thus providing them with a friendly and comfortable environment. The leader feels that such a treatment with employees will lead to self-motivation and will find people working hard on their own. However, a low focus on tasks can hamper production and lead to questionable results.

Currently in the job I am in now I think my manager would come in the cross of the “Authoritative” and “the social manager”, because she has a side about her that drives the employees to meet targets and perform our best whilst making sure all basic needs are met and gives us the extra care we need to feel comfortable around her.
She lets us know the fine line between manager and friend and sometimes when in need of advice and someone to inspire us we find that she has moved into the leadership role.

Martin Luther King
January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968, was an inspirational man to many people one of his key features that made him a leader in many people’s eyes was the fact he was inspirational he done a lot of inspirational acts but the one he is remembered by the most is his speech on a dream he has, it is called “I Have a dream “ I have posted a link to a video below of him making this speech so you can see how people react to him and you can see his leadership qualities standing out, his informing and preaching to people giving them a sense of dependence and courage, his confidence backs up what his says.
Video Link:
August 28th 1963 Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream”

Martin Luther King is a leader and because of this he was killed, he had all the features and traits of being a leader, he was a powerful speaker, confident, passionate about what he believed in and he was understanding, he was also appointed president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, In 1957.

As you can see from the link I pasted bellow Martin Luther King is a worldwide leader, so the approach the person who wrote the article took was that Martin Luther King is an American leader many people look up to and respect due to the fact on his rights and what he believed in.
Conclusion:As you can see people define who they think are  leadership in their everyday lives from world leaders such as Martin Luther King and people in small societies that are considered as leaders they define them from their characteristics.

I Found out that managers are appointed roles you mostly find them in Jobs they are appointed as managers from higher management, they tend to be superior and more powerful they are expected to do many things such as take charge appointmanage people.