Monday 6 December 2010


Conflict could be described as, the people within a business/organisation that has feelings about certain things happening within the business/organisation and are not able to express their concerns, also the definition could be outlined differently for example;

Conflict is apparent when at least one party perceives that it exists and where an interest or concern of that party is about to be or has been compromised or frustrated.
Brooks (2006)

The reason for conflicts is usually because of the changes that happen in society for example things such as clashes of personality and role conflict also it could be from other changes such as:

changes in labour market
changes in the economy
changes in society
changes in technology
changes in organizations
This is also analysed by Mullins (2010),
author of Management and Organisational Behaviour an example would be giving incentives to one employee on the basis of completing work this will causes competition and conflict between employees.
from my own personal experience working in a sexual heath surgery having conflicts were rear unless someone had a suggestion to the  manager so their were always fears dwelling on the employees also if the employees does manage to give the manager a suggestion it would always be by passed causing conflicts between the manager and employee.

Sources of power

Coercive power
This focuses on the ability to get tasks done by creating a superior image for the role of the manager or the person who gives orders this is mostly seen when their is threats on jobs within organisations because employees would not like to loose the poison they are currently in.

Reward power
This would be mainly used on employees to benefit from mostly because at this time the business is offering reward power and employees would be urged to do harder work.

 Expert power
a single person in a organisation/business has depending on the amount of expertise and knowledge they have, an example of this is an employee that could be group manager because of his/her knowledge and expertise in that department.
Legitimate power
this focuses on how the person reached the current poison they are in now and the means of their power an example of this is would be a manager would give orders to everyone whilst on the other hand the supervisors can only give orders to employees.

Referent power
this focuses on the motivators on people who are classed as managers and leaders in an organisation this person usually is taken as to deserve to have power.

- French and Raven (1959)

Even though French and raven (1959) suggest some sources of power,
Morgan (1996) suggest further sources such as, Control of budgets,  Control of rewards, Persuasion, Rules and procedures, Physical presence or threat and Charisma.

Resolving conflict – Conclusion
 To resolve or even prevent conflict a number of things can be done and put into action to prevent further conflict within the organisation.

One of the main things that should be done is to have good communication skills within the organisation going both ways not just via the manager’s poison, ensure all role of each person are made clears so their are no miss understandings this would also make it very easy to set goals and objectives creating a good work force and employees can grown and move together.
conflict can be formed in many ways mainly disagreements and misunderstandings, measures should be taken such as respecting employees opinions in the organisation big or small, appraisals should be considered, on the other hand rules are meant to be followed and are their to keep people in place and help to reduce conflict so people braking rules should be spoken to, so it is clear on what the company is expecting from each individual.

Rounding up, conflict can arise anywhere mostly in organisations their needs to be good communication skills to prevent situations arising because conflict within an organisation can cause a lot of damage to the business.  

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