Monday 6 December 2010

Enterprize Week

Enterprize week !!

During enterprise week their was many events which were all interesting I attended 4 events out of the events mainly 2 stood out they were, ‘The intrapreneur in our mist’ and the second ‘ woman in business’.

Attending both events were very informative the first event that I attended was ‘The intrapreneur in our mist’ this even was held on the ground floor of Buckinghamshire new university in a lecture theatre.
There was a guest speaker who was a business man himself talking about how he made it to the position he was in now and sustaining his current passion the event lasted for 1hour 30minutes by the end of this event he achieved many things such as giving students the information needed to become a good intrapreneur this being a word he made up and also information needed to become a good entrepreneur and the difference between the two. This event was a evening set for students with good ideas and that wanted knowledge of the world and how to bring a new idea into it with success also whilst learning this it also was their to comfort students showing them it is ok not to succeed straight away.

I also attended ‘Woman in business’ event this was based in a hotel in Marlow, their was 5 parts to this event it started at 9:45-11:00 a lady called Susan Lock of key consultants spoke to us on confidence and assertiveness then from 11:00-12:00 Jane and Katherine Russell spoke to us about dressing for success and looking for the business 12:00-13:00 Claire Batchelor spoke to us on starting a business then at one we was given a 45 minute lunch brake we then resumed back at 13:45-14:35 Carol Rawson the managing director of suite city spoke to us about her self and how she got to the stage she is at also giving us advice on being a business woman, at 14:45 we had a 15minute brake resuming at 15:00-16:00 for a presentation by Sue Liney on how to brand our selves and stand out from the crowd. This day was made for young woman to help in different aspects giving confidence and help on how to become the best business woman each female can be, by the end of the day they achieved many things because there was so much information given to the young females at the events.

During the event their was not really a hands on physical aspect for the students but we did get opportunities to ask questions and meet up with the person who gave the speech he also gave his e-mail address out for people who have good ideas or just wanted general questions answered.
Depending on the type of person attending this event there was a lot of information and advice that could be gained from this even, from my perspective I benefited from this a great deal because I have a business idea I would like to make reality this information and advice given to me such as never giving up if it gets hard because nothing is easy in the world of business and also understanding that not every idea is a great business idea, on the other hand ‘The woman in business’ event that I attended was very different there was more then one guest speaker covering different helpful aspects we would need to know about no activities were given to us so we did not do any physical things but we did get to ask questions like the first event I attended. I  benefited from this event in many ways I learnt many things such as presentation is important and confidence is key to success, benefitting from this event made me learn a lot and made me understand many things about the business world.

The most successful events I attended was the ‘The intrapreneur in our mist’ this was most successful because it was more constructed then the other event I went to it was short and to the point, very informative and interesting, even though  their is always room for improvements I believe that this even did not have much room for improvements as I think it was organised well and easy to locate unlike the other event that could have gone better if the process of reaching the destination of were the event was located was more straightforward as it could have been also they tried to cramp so much information into one day and if they was going to do that they could have involved activities and physical things for the audience to do.
 Conclusion/ Did this week influence my career  aspirations ?
Both days were very good and informative even though I found one more useful then the other and I believe one had more room for improvement then the other I did end up enjoying both events as they were both beneficial to me now and in the future, i have always wanted to become a solicior and the woman in business week has just made me want this career path more then i did,i have lerned so many things and i now understand what i have to, to make it to were i want to be.

1 comment:

  1. A clear and descriptive account of the two events you attended.
