Tuesday 7 December 2010

Perception and communiaction

Perception And Communication
Perception is when a  person interoperate something into what they think it is, also could be said as
“The process by which individuals organise and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment”
                                                                                                Robbins et al, 2010
By reading the article " how to improve staff communication,
Publication date: 15 July 2010
Source:People Management magazine
And relating it to university i have found 3 recommendations that the university could use in order to improve communications with the students.
The first thing the article mentions is to have a shared purpose Creating a shared sense of purpose is an important starting point for a strategic approach to communication. People need to understand the collective goal they are working towards and to appreciate the difference they can make. The university would need to want the same things as the students in order to communicate better, working together as a society to reach the same goal would be very important giving the students a sense of importance within the university making it much easier to communicate with them.
Another thing the article states is engage your peopleThe CIPD has identified three main drivers of employee engagement: having the opportunity to feed your views upwards; feeling well informed about what is happening in your organisation; and believing your manager is committed to the organisation. Your approach to engagement will therefore inform your approach to communication – and vice versa.

The university needs to make the students well informed so they can give feedback and communicate with the university on many different things going on within the university example would be things that are good, things that are bad or things that need improving this would help the communication between the university and students because it will keep both parties involved. Giving the students a sense of comfort would also help making them feel like they are well informed and the u7niversity is committed in helping them or even just listening to their views this will help communication to the students and university.
The article also states that keeping the personal touch is importantEmployees value face-to-face communication highly. The challenge is to ensure that managers develop the skills and confidence to hold meaningful two-way conversations – even on difficult topics. It’s important to let people know that you value these attributes. Consider them as part of the assessment and development process for team leaders.

Having meetings and events so the students can have an opportunity for some face to face communication time with the university members this type of communication is valued highly by students as everyone will have an opportunity to have their voice herd, its important for the students to feel like they have value and communication face to face is not too good for them expressing opinions and feelings on paper is always different when coming directly from the mouth.
A situation of incorrect perception for me was a time when I first started work and I did not know anyone, the kind of work I do requires people to work in groups, whilst I was the “NEW KID” I found myself making perceptions of people and assuming things about them.

The first shift I did was with a young lady called Joy I perceived her as a rude and arrogant girl, due to the way she dressed and what kind of jewellery she was wearing, this was brought to my mind by the media and TV, the way they show people on TV for example the character Vick Pollard in Little Britain TV Show, the TV show, shows her with earrings and clothing such as the ones Joy was wearing so I perceived her in a negative way.

I made this perception of Joy very early on in the shift and although I assumed this I was incorrect, in fact Joy was the opposite of what I assumed, she was polite and well mannered, and the conversations we had showed she had some intelligence. Making this kind of assumption is quite risky because making the wrong perception of people may trigger people to make assumptions on you leading in negative emotions from both parties, for the future I would not make assumptions again unless I had enough evidence to make one an example of this would be if Joy had said something rude or arrogant.

To avoid this sort of mistake again would not be as easy as it is to say it because when faced with a situation like that you can not help your self but make an instant decision especially when it comes to the way someone looks or what they are dressed in.
So avoiding this situation in the future would be hard, being proven wrong once helps the process of changing and not making perceptions of people.

Perception is what i believe to be mental its hard to not perceive a person or even a place on what it or the person looks like, as soon as you see you will start thinking and make assumptions on what you have seen but the trick is to always wait and see if your perception is right before you start taking actions on what you have seen.
You may not be able to stop making perceptions on people but handling it the right way is always helpful.


  1. Good work Regina, you are referencing well.

  2. Remember to complete this blog...either or

  3. thanks for the feed back jane i have now compleated the blogg i dont the "OR" question.
