Monday 6 December 2010


Deference between management and leadership :

               Managers : Plan, control, co-ordinate, implement policy, achieve results
Leaders: Motivate, generate ideas, enthuse and inspire
(Forrest and Tolltree, 1996)

People always get confused about what managers and leaders do, in some ways you could say people would rather to have one other than the other depending what situation they are in for example if you are a student you may want to can some qualities of a leader and manager in one other than if you was an employee you may want a manager and if you wanted to vote for a person to run your country you may want a leader.

As you can see from (Forrest and Tolltree, 1996), managers would be best in situation such as in the work place because they would have a good plan and organisation structures for your day at work and also they will be looking to achieve results and whilst working this would be very good whilst on the other hand a leader motivates you and inspires you and that’s the kind of person you need when voting for someone to run your country.

Blake and Mouton Graph Below

Impoverished Management (1, 1):
Managers that come in this section of the grid are low on the dimensions and they don’t try very hard to make sure the employees put effort to get the work done. The manager does not really have any care for employee satisfaction or the work deadlines.
This type of manager de-motivates its employees for performing their best whilst at work.

Authoritative manager(9, 1):
 Known as dictatorial or perish style, In this section the managers  are more concerned about production and have less concern for people. The employee’s needs are not taken care of and their existence seems not to be cared about. The manager believes that a good organization can only be made by through proper organization of work systems and through elimination of people wherever possible.
 The employee’s needs are not taken care of and their existence seems not to be cared about. The manager believes that a good organization can only be made by through proper organization of work systems and through elimination of people wherever possible. The team manager (9,9):considered by high people, The leader feels that empowerment, commitment, trust, and respect are the key elements in creating a team atmosphere which will automatically result in high employee satisfaction and production.

Middle-of-the-Road (5, 5): This is a compromising style wherein the Manager tries to maintain a balance between goals of company and the needs of people. The manager does not push the level of achievement resulting in average performance for organization end up with employee needs to being fully met

Social manager (1, 9):
 This is a collegial style characterized by low task and high people orientation where the manager gives thoughtful attention to the needs of people thus providing them with a friendly and comfortable environment. The leader feels that such a treatment with employees will lead to self-motivation and will find people working hard on their own. However, a low focus on tasks can hamper production and lead to questionable results.

Currently in the job I am in now I think my manager would come in the cross of the “Authoritative” and “the social manager”, because she has a side about her that drives the employees to meet targets and perform our best whilst making sure all basic needs are met and gives us the extra care we need to feel comfortable around her.
She lets us know the fine line between manager and friend and sometimes when in need of advice and someone to inspire us we find that she has moved into the leadership role.

Martin Luther King
January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968, was an inspirational man to many people one of his key features that made him a leader in many people’s eyes was the fact he was inspirational he done a lot of inspirational acts but the one he is remembered by the most is his speech on a dream he has, it is called “I Have a dream “ I have posted a link to a video below of him making this speech so you can see how people react to him and you can see his leadership qualities standing out, his informing and preaching to people giving them a sense of dependence and courage, his confidence backs up what his says.
Video Link:
August 28th 1963 Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream”

Martin Luther King is a leader and because of this he was killed, he had all the features and traits of being a leader, he was a powerful speaker, confident, passionate about what he believed in and he was understanding, he was also appointed president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, In 1957.

As you can see from the link I pasted bellow Martin Luther King is a worldwide leader, so the approach the person who wrote the article took was that Martin Luther King is an American leader many people look up to and respect due to the fact on his rights and what he believed in.
Conclusion:As you can see people define who they think are  leadership in their everyday lives from world leaders such as Martin Luther King and people in small societies that are considered as leaders they define them from their characteristics.

I Found out that managers are appointed roles you mostly find them in Jobs they are appointed as managers from higher management, they tend to be superior and more powerful they are expected to do many things such as take charge appointmanage people.


  1. Another informative blog Regina, the grid was Blake and Mouton? A little confused by introducing McGregor in the middle of another theory? Good personal observations of your managers style of leadership.
    Referencing is better remember to include a bibliography at the end, check reference sites on the internet.

  2. Thanks jane i have cleared up the confustion between Blake and Mouton and Mc Gregor.
